Procedure for Awarding Emeritus Status
The University of Arkansas Fort Smith follows the policy and procedure set forth in the . The following is reflective of Policy 475.1 and has been further amended to address things specific to the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith.
Adopted: October 1, 2022
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A. In recognition of distinguished service to the University, retiring employees may be awarded emeritus status at the rank or title held at the time of retirement. Where deemed appropriate by the board, emeritus status may be granted to a retiring employee at a rank or title previously held for a substantial period where such service concluded in good standing.
In order to be considered for emeritus status, an individual must be appropriately recommended, in good standing, and meet at least one of the following conditions:
- The retiring individual is age 65 or older and has at least five (5) years of continuous service with the University.
- The retiring individual is age 62 or older and has at least ten (10) years of continuous service with the University.
- The retiring individual has at least 20 years of continuous service with the University.
- The retiring individual has elected to retire under a voluntary retirement incentive program established under Board Polices or .
B. Chancellors and other chief executive officers may be awarded emeritus status in the title when they conclude their service as chancellor or CEO.
In order for emeritus status to be conferred by the Board of Trustees, the individual must be recommended by the chief executive officer of the campus, division, or unit. The System President will recommend the final list of individuals to receive emeritus status.
Emeritus status will normally be conferred once each year by the Board of Trustees effective on July 1 for those individuals who have retired prior to that date. The President will receive recommendations no later than February 15, or such other date as may be specified, from the chief executive officer of the campus, division or unit.
Names of retired faculty/staff and retiring faculty/staff can be considered. Faculty members can make recommendations, in writing, to the respective Senate (either Faculty Senate or Staff Senate) by Jan. 15. Retired and retiring individuals will be formally recommended by the respective Senate. Recommendations will be made in the form of a resolution submitted to the Chancellor’s office by February 1. The Office of Human Resources will confirm eligibility.
Once the Chancellor’s office receives official confirmation from the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor’s office will contact the respective Vice Chancellor’s office who will send official written correspondence to the individual being recognized. The written correspondence will include information regarding all rights and responsibilities of holding emeritus status and instructions on how to access privileges.
Emeritus status entitles the recipient to the following privileges:
- Presentation of a certificate or resolution appropriate for framing;
- Use of title;
- Continued campus faculty directory, catalog, and other listings of campus faculty/staff;
- Inclusion in the campus directory, catalog, and other listings of campus faculty/staff;
- Use of the library;
- Eligibility to purchase a faculty/staff parking permit;
- Faculty/staff admission to campus activities and events;
- Waiver of fees for enrollment in University courses on a space available basis;
- Maintenance of Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ email. (Note: All emails, including emeritus email, is subject to the Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ Terms of Use Policy and the Freedom of Information Act laws);
- Eligibility to use the RAWC
Emeritus employees are expected to assist and support the University in their areas of competence, particularly in an advisory capacity, when requested to do so.