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Jennifer King
- Chief of Staff
- Jennifer.KingFREEuafs
- 479-788-7007
- Mon.-Fri.: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Fullerton Admin. Building, Room 104
Committees & Advisory Boards
Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ believes in the power of collaboration and communication. That’s why we have established a robust system of committees and advisory boards. These groups bring together a diverse mix of faculty, staff, students, administrators, and community members, ensuring everyone has a voice in empowering our students' social mobility and shaping the future of our university.
A crucial part of this collaborative approach is our commitment to shared governance. Shared governance at Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ ensures decision-making processes are transparent, inclusive, and grounded in the collective expertise of our campus community. Through senates, councils, and other governing bodies, we create meaningful opportunities for every voice to contribute to the success of our students and the institution.
Learn More About Shared Governance
Together, we're building a brighter future for Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ the River Valley.
Curious to learn more? Simply click the accordions below to explore our committees and advisory boards.
Function: Promotes communication, training, and the assessment of advising to foster quality student service experiences across campus. Members review and discuss policies and procedures to develop resolutions to increase student success, retention, and graduation.
Membership: General membership shall consist of representatives from the following Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ units:
- Professional Advisors (PA) include all college advisors and first-year advisors
- Two Faculty Advisors (FA) appointed by the college’s leadership
- Director of Adult Degree Completion Program
- ADA Coordinator, Director of Academic Programs Support, Registrar, Associate Registrar (Graduation/Degree Completion), Executive Director of Student Retention, APSSR, Associate Provost, Student Support Services Representative(s), and Academic Success Center Representative(s), and Student Workday Implementation Representative.
Executive Council membership shall consist of representatives from the following Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ units:
- 1 Professional Advisor and 1 Faculty Advisor from each college which will be appointed by the college’s leadership
- Director of the ROAR First-Year Advising Center and 1 Professional Advisor from the center • Director of the Adult Degree Completion Program
- Assistant Provost of Student Success and Retention
- Secretary, if not a voting member
Co-Chair: Julie%20Mosley, director of R.O.A.R. First-Year Academic Advising Center
Co-Chair: Autumn%20Perkins, advising coordinator, College of Health, Education and Human Sciences
Rindy Crump Justin Martin
Drake Dye Meagan Bowling Fudge
Journi Goforth Debbie Dameron
Nigel Otero Jordanna Shotzman
Brittney Bright Peter Cullum
Justina Buck Sharon Wu
Alisa Cole Jodi Callahan
Rhyker Dye Aimee Munoz
Yesenia Lopez Sophie Vargas
Kim Tomlinson Lacey Ruminer
Blake Johnson Dana Andreassen
Dre McCaleb Jennifer Holland
Wayne Womack Chastadee Bailey
Margaret Tanner
Function: Reviews any appeals to a student's academic standing as it relates to academic suspension and dismissal. Students provide their appeals in writing with supporting documentation. The committee has an opportunity to review those appeals prior to meeting for discussion.
Membership: Faculty and staff appointed by the provost.
Chair: Julie%20Mosley, director of R.O.A.R. First-Year Academic Advising Center
Sherry Burnett
April Evans
Karen Jeffers
Heather Scheurer
Function: Provide feedback to Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ on the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies and the skills needed from graduates to serve this emergent industry need. This direction and support will guide the introduction of new curriculum and/or changes to existing programs and projects.
Membership: By invitation from the dean or department head to community leaders representing professional expertise in advanced manufacturing or knowledge of current hiring practices.
Stacey Archer
Richard Baker
Derek Brasuell
Jenny Clifford
Ryan Fitts
Jason Green
Jim Gregory
Richard Hossley
Kyle Johnson
Aaron Jones
John Kelleher
Chris Layton
Will Mangrum
Myla Petree
John Swenson
Kelly Tiffee
Stephanie Tindall
Anthony Toth
Andrew Welch
Function: The Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ Alumni Advisory Council strives to recruit and retain active members to support and advise the Alumni Engagement Office on matters to serve, connect, and create engaging opportunities to enhance the lifelong experience of Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ Alumni.
Membership: Advisory Council members are selected through an application process each year. Those selected will serve three years terms to the council.
Chair: Heather Deere '16
Ashley Hill ’10 | Shelli Henehan '86 |
Jacqui Lyle '14, '20 | Sam Winterberg '09 |
John Sturrock '15 | Logan Parks '19 |
Jennifer Kelly '91, '98, '15, '19 | Laura Schmutz Beltran '06 |
Jeremy Wann '09 | Lindsey Steiger-Muck '09 |
Josh Funmaker '22 | Kevin Farrell '06 |
Maddie Stojanovic '18 | Morgan Karsten '13 |
Function: Evaluates, reviews, and updates each other on the eligibility rules and regulations of the NCAA DII bylaws to insure every student-athlete is recognized by the institution's system as an athlete for monitoring and certification procedures.
Chair: Tommye%20Robinson, assistant athletic director for compliance / senior women's administrator
Jenny Jones | Julie Mosley |
Karen Jeffers | Wayne Womack |
Function: Advises, educates, and advocates for an inclusive athletic community that values other cultures, feelings, and history in a non-assimilating way that builds community through common goals.
Membership: Volunteers from the Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ Athletic Department, faculty, staff, student-athletes, and community leaders.
Co- Chair: Wesley%20Hooks, director of campus center
Co-Chair: Tommye%20Robinson, assistant athletic director for compliance / senior women's administrator
Curtis Janz | SAAC Member |
Crystal Lougin | SAAC Member |
Mason Rhoades |
Function: Advises the Babb Center for Career Services staff on best practices, identifies ways to better prepare students for careers, and facilitates interactions between students and employers.
Membership: Local community members and Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ faculty and staff.
Organizer: Susan%20Krafft, executive director for the Babb Center for Career Services
Karen Allen, Assistant Superintendent: Van Buren School District
Sunshine Bartlett, Arvest Bank: SVP Human Resources
Stephanie Howard, Landmark CPAs: Human Resources Director
Melanie Keith, ArcBest: Recruiting Manager
Theresa Phillips, Baptist Health: Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
Jessica Sinclair, MyHRPros: Compliance Officer
Darren Wyatt, Simmons Bank: VP, Community Banker
Jeff Adams
Monique Bracken
Jeanetta Henry
Kayla McGrew
Bill Sabo
Mohamed Zainuba
Function: Reviews university revenues and brings a recommended and balanced budget for consideration and approval by the university chancellor. Subcommittees recommend ways to increase revenues, decrease expenses, increase efficiencies, and/or improve communication.
Membership: Chancellor's Cabinet, Deans Council, Budget Director, AVC and Dean of Students, Controller, Executive Director of Institutional Research and Strategic Planning, Director of Academic Assessment and Accountability, Director of Human Resources, Director of Athletics, one representative of Student Government Association, three representatives of Faculty Council (one from each college), and one representative of Staff Council. The University Chancellor serves as an ex officio member.
Chair: Carey%20Tucker, vice chancellor for finance and administration
Shadow Robinson | Jennifer King |
Blake Rickman |
Lee Krehbiel |
Chris Kelly |
Mandy Keyes |
Brooke Magallanes |
Ellen Binford |
Chuck Ramseyer |
Margaret Tanner |
Blake Johnson |
Latisha Settlage |
Toni Alexander |
Dean Cantu |
Dave Stevens |
Anna Capps |
Meighan Pendergrass |
Lisa-Marie Norris |
Brett Arrington |
Cammie Sublette |
Shelli Henehan |
Kendall Ross |
Jordan Ruud |
Kiyun Han |
Curtis Janz |
Terisa Riley, ex-officio |
Function: Provide advisement to the business program on matters relating to curriculum, student engagement opportunities, and overall strategic direction of the program.
Membership: By invitation from the dean or department head to community leaders representing professional expertise in accounting, economics, finance, marketing, or management and/or local knowledge of current hiring practices in these fields.
Doug Babb
Matthew Beyer
Nit Beyer
Chris Cluck
Erin Gattis
Taylor Goodson
Sasha Grist
Robert Halliburton
Barbara Hambrick
Bill Hanesworth
Bill Hanna
Melanie Keith
Chance Locklear
Jeremy May
Spencer Meares
Beth Presley
Talicia Richardson
Adam Shaw
Sam Sicard
Djordje Stojanovic
Maddie Stojanovic
Jason Turner
Bryson Waganer
Function: Plans, reviews, revises, and executes the university's commencement ceremonies for both fall and spring semesters.
Membership: Staff members directly involved in the planning of commencement ceremonies
Chair: Wayne%20Womack, registrar
Shadow Robinson | Lee Krehbiel |
Sherry Burnett | Ashley Goodson |
Chastadee Bailey | Wesley Hooks |
Finn Waters | Ray Ottman |
Function: Provide advisement to the computer integrated machining program on program learning outcomes, curriculum, satisfaction with graduate skills, work-based learning opportunities, and overall strategic direction of the program.
Membership: By invitation from the dean or department head to community leaders representing professional expertise in computer integrated machining or knowledge of current hiring practices.
Carey Beevers
Anita Brackin
Elias Galvan
Michael Garner
Jason Green
Toby Koprovic
Jeff Toegel
Tony Toth
Function: Provide insights and recommendations to align curriculum and programs with current technologies and industry trends. Member involvement and guidance are crucial for providing internships and job placement opportunities for students.
Membership: Comprised of professionals, alumni, and local tech leaders in the region and state. Members are nominated and voted on by the Computer Science Department.
Michael DeSanto, Summit Utilities
Douglas Linderman, ArcBest Technologies
Melanie Medlock, ArcBest Technologies
Jeremy Schreckhise, Summit Utilities
Naveen Sharma, Walmart Global Tech
Brandon Stewart, Firebend
Function: Advances the educational mission of the university and addresses issues of concern related to academic programs, including adding and sunsetting programs, program delivery, Program review, quality of programs, and advising. Also provides a conduit for discussion of issues within the colleges to ensure uniformity in implementing university policies and procedures.
Membership: Associate provost and academic deans
Chair: Shadow%20Robinson, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs
Toni Alexander
Dean Cantu
Blake Johnson
Jordan Ruud
Latisha Settlage
Margaret Tanner
Function: To represent the dental and consumer community in matters affecting dental hygiene practice and serve as an informed advisory constituency of the program. The board serves as a liaison between the program and the dental community and is centered upon community health and dental hygiene employment needs.
Membership: Dentists, dental hygienists, community consumer partners, university leadership and faculty members.
Chair: Virginia%20Hardgraves, Associate Professor and Executive Director for Dental Hygiene, College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences.
Kendra Yandell, DDS
Angela Wiggins, DDS
Emily Fourmy, DDS
Jenny Dixon
Jennifer Smith
Sarah Emetero
Mitzi Efurd
Lisa Woodard
Charmaine Fitzgerald
Lana Bell
Jennifer Garner
Stephanie Ramming
Roxy Reed
Dean Cantu
Paula Julian
Function: Provide advisement to the electronics technology and electrical engineering technology programs on program learning outcomes, curriculum, satisfaction with graduate skills, work-based learning opportunities, and overall strategic direction of the program.
Membership: By invitation from the dean or department head to community leaders representing professional expertise in electronics technology and/or electrical engineering technology or knowledge of current hiring practices.
Scott Archer
Stacey Archer
Dale Conrow
Jason Green
Matt Hamilton
Lori Hayes
Justin Johnson
Bridget Jones
Michael Kazy
Ron Schwartz
John Townsend
Roger Watson
Jerry Williams
Function: The Facilities Committee assists the chancellor in providing guidance and oversight related to the construction, revitalization, maintenance, and use of facilities and grounds of the Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ campus. The committee may also assist with guidance on long-range planning, capital renewal, and capital projects.
Membership: Provost; Director of Plant Operations; Assistant Director of Plant Operations; Information Technology Customer Support Manager; Chief of Police; Director of Environment and Occupational Safety; Director of Procurement; Director of Campus Center; Director of Campus and Community Engagement; one representative from each of the three colleges; one representative from the Student Government Association; one representative from the Faculty Senate; one representative from the Staff Senate; and Executive Director of Institutional Research & Strategic Planning (ad hoc member).
Chair: Carey%20Tucker, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Shadow Robinson
Rick Bynum
Cheryl Davis
Ray Ottman
Samantha Gillespie
Lance Killough
Ashley Goodson
Wesley Hooks
Toni Alexander
Latisha Settlage
Dean Cantu
Anna Capps
Tom Wing
Brett Arrington (ad hoc member)
Faculty Council: Voting members of the Faculty Council are those full-time employees of the university with teaching included as 50 percent or more of their appointment and professional librarians.
Faculty Senate: The Faculty Senate and its constituent committees serve as the faculty voice of the university. The Faculty Senate is elected by and from voting members of the Faculty Council. A faculty member becomes eligible to serve on the Senate after being a voting member of the Faculty Council for two years.
Function: Celebrate First Generation student success and create access and opportunity through advocacy, programming, and outreach.
Membership: Composed of faculty and staff who were First Generations students or those who seek to support and mentor First Generation students and advocate for their success. Membership is open to all faculty and staff.
Subcommittees: Programming & Events, Policy & Advocacy, Outreach & Mentoring
Chair: Justin%20Martin, Advising Coordinator for the College of Arts and Sciences
John Bennett
Meagan Bowling Fudge
Heather Chance
Rindy Crump
Stephany Dobbins
Catherine Gonzalez
Derek Hill
Jennifer Holland
Allyson Lovell
Ryan McAdams
Kim Okoniewski-Cloud
Nigel Otero
Patricia Perez
Amber Robinett
Lacey Ruminer
Sydney Seegers
Amanda Seidenzahl
Jasmine Smith
Christin Staats
Nicki Stancil
Dave Stevens
Maurice Testa
Lynette Thrower
Barbara Townsend
Kelsay Williams
Function: To support and promote the mission of the Drennen-Scott Historic Site, identify stakeholders, and assist in programs and outreach.
Membership: The Board is made up of the officers of the Friends of Drennen-Scott. The officers are elected from the membership which is open to interested parties. Committee Chairs and representatives nominated by the officers with the Director of Drennen-Scott as ex-officio.
Chair: Jeffery Belcher
Teri Burton, Secretary
Dottie Perrier, Treasurer
Greg Hall, Volunteer Committee Chair
Sherry Hall, Special Program Committee Chair
Jimmy Duke, Master Gardeners Representative
Tom Wing, ex-officio
Function: The Health & Safety Committee will play a crucial role in ensuring a safe campus environment. The committee will provide guidance and oversight in life safety, environmental awareness, encourage open communication, enhance learning & engagement by fostering a culture of safety, the committee will help safeguard the well-being of students, faculty & staff.
Membership: Director of Plant Operations, Assistant Director of Plant Operations, member of the Human Resources Team, Director of Campus & Community Engagement, Athletics Compliance Coordinator, Director of Campus Housing, AVC of Student Affairs, representative of VC for Advancement, Director of Library Services or designee, one representative from each of the three colleges; one representative from the Student Government Association; one representative from the Faculty Senate; one representative from the Staff Senate, third party contractor for custodial/ground, third party contractor for food services.
Co-Chair: Samantha%20Gillespie, Director of Environmental & Occupational Safety
Co-Chair: Ray%20Ottman, Chief of University Police
Mandy Keyes
Ashley Goodson
Tommye Robinson
Stephanie London
Dave Stevens
Rachel Putnam
Jordan Ruud
Toni Alexander
Dean Cantu
Latisha Settlage
Alexandra Zacharella
DeJon Jordan
Diana Hernandez
David Alvarez
David Flannery
Rick Bynum
Anna Capps
Carey Tucker, Ex Officio
Function: Insures the development of basic policies for graduate education at Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ and the facilitation, improvement, and evaluation of graduate programs throughout the university.
Membership: Composed with the director of Graduate Studies as chair. Voting faculty members shall be appointed by the Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ provost, in consultation with the deans, for a term of two years with one-half of the council changing each year.
Chair: Margaret%20Tanner, director of Graduate Studies
Laura Witherington | Steven Husarik |
Paulette Meikle | Dan Settlage |
Jim Wollscheid | Kiyun Han |
April Evans | Cheryl Holden |
Shelli Henehan | Jordan Ruud |
Function: Reviews the grant writing process to ensure that faculty and staff who wish to apply for a grant has an easy-to-understand process that guides them from researching the grant to submitting it.
Membership: Faculty, staff, vice chancellors, and other senior leaders.
Chair: Shadow%20Robinson, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs
Paulette Meikle | Toni Alexander |
Linda Word | Blake Rickman |
Christy Williams | Cammie Sublette |
Function: The purpose of the Imaging Sciences Advisory Committee is to ensure excellence in the imaging sciences programs by identifying strengths and weaknesses of the program and developing ways to alleviate the weaknesses. It also advises the program of any technological and/or practice changes required for effectively preparing students for current and future employment in healthcare.
Membership: Membership in the Imaging Sciences Advisory Committee shall include the Executive Director of Imaging Sciences and all full-time Imaging Sciences faculty employed at the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith, representatives from local hospitals and health care agencies that have affiliation agreements with the Imaging Sciences programs, and ex-officio members to include the Dean of the College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences; Associate Dean of the College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences; Chancellor, and the Provost/Senior Vice Chancellor and Associate Provost of the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith.
Chair: Angie%20Elmore, Executive Director for Imagining Sciences, College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences.
Amy Anderson, Baptist Health Urology Group
Stephanie Bruce, Washington Regional Imaging
Sonia Garner, Mercy Fort Smith
Kevin Bowen, Mercy Fort Smith
Tyra Bowen, Willow Creek Womens Health
Angie Roundtree, Baptist Health Fort Smith
McKenna Root, Mercy Fort Smith
Sarah Button, Washington Regional Imagining
Elizabeth Davis, Contemporary Healthcare for Women
Andrea Johnston, Mercy Hospital Waldron
Heather Albertson, Baptist Health Fort Smith
Jalah Fuller, Mercy Fort Smith
Rachel Hawley, Mercy of Northwest AR
Timmery Nichols, Fayetteville Diagnostic Clinic
Darcy Hobbs, Johnson Regional Medical Center
Shirley Hyman, Mercy Fort Smith
Cierra Jones, Baptist Health Fort Smith
Jessica Ivy, Baptist Heath Medical Plaza
Christopher Kitchens, Washington Regional Imaging Center
Karen Posey, Mercy Hospital
Megan Lensing, William L. Bradley Medical Plaza
Susan Lovell, Eastside OB/GYN
Traci Miller, Mercy Clinic
Cassie Hall, Baptist Health Medical Plaza Outpatient
Richard Nelson, Radiography
Bryce Prewitt, Medical Imaging
Ashley Holubeck, Baptist Health Medical Plaza
Ashley Shelton, Mercy Clinic Orthopedics
Courtney Gassow, Mercy Fort Smith
Karen Wilson
Kathyrn Dunn
Grant Jones, Mercy Northwest Heart & Vascular Center
Angie Smallwood, Perinatal Center
Michelle Gipson, Mercy Fort Smith
Rayna Hubbard, Choctaw Nation Healthcare Center
Julie Warren, Choctaw Nation McAlester Health Clinic
Katherine Ward, Heart to Heart Pregnancy Support Center
Talaina Gregory, Arkansas Children's Nortwest
Micah Kight, Arkansas Children's Nortwest
Nena Tucker
1 - 2nd year student from RADT program
1- Senior student from Sonography program
Imagining Sciences Faculty
Jodi Callahan
Alisa Cole
Casey Harmon
Katie Wilmot
Stacy Gregory
Ex-Officio Members
Dean Cantu
Paula Julian
Shadow Robinson
Function: Drevises policies, provides guidance, assesses the security of network infrastructure, and reviews pertinent operating procedures and response plans; develops, implements, and maintains a comprehensive information security program that includes a risk-based framework for identifying and managing threats, establishing security standards, responding to incidents, restoring impaired services, and assessing progress towards program goals.
Membership: Director of Information Technology Services; manager of ITS infrastructure; manager of ITS customer support; ITS security analyst; registrar; chief of police; human resource representative; faculty representative.
Chair: Terry%20Meadows, director of Information Technology Services
Cheryl Davis
Mike Ming
John Hightower
Ray Ottman
Wayne Womack
Brittany Slamons
Ross Payne
Function: Provide input on FEC programming, growth, new member outreach, procedures, and the overall member experience. The board is valuable in giving the FEC director insight into maintaining relevant topics for family businesses.
Membership: Members of the FEC advisory board are selected from the seven peer groups within the FEC. These peer groups span the diverse array of roles in the family business from next gen, owners, and non-family leaders.
Bill Hanna
Dianna Lyon-Wagner
Jeff Null
Ashley Cunningham
Eric Pendergrass
Shanita Christian
Brent Jones
Function: Reviews and discusses the behavior of students who may be a threat to themselves or the campus community. Seeks to have positive interventions and interactions with these students and manage any situations that may pose a threat to the individual or the campus community.
Membership: Faculty and staff from different service areas across campus.
Co-Chair: Dave%20Stevens%2C dean of students
Co-Chair: Ray%20Ottman, Chief of the University Police Department
Karen Marindale-Orite
Dana Andreassen
Jennifer Holland
Stephanie London
Lynette Thrower
Curtis Janz
Noah Schmidt
Meighan Pendergrass
Function: The mission of the Board is to build partnerships and facilitate collaboration. It does so by providing a secure and respectful environment for discussions between the University of Arkansas Fort Smith Criminal Justice Department and key stakeholders such as law enforcement, prosecutors, defense attorneys, corrections, and human services in the River Valley. The Board is committed to addressing challenges, proposing solutions, and introducing innovations in criminal justice education, all with the aim of enhancing the region's criminal justice system, quality of life, and safety.
Membership: Representatives from all regional criminal justice agencies who volunteer to participate.
Chair: Steve%20Wilson, Associate Professor and Department Head for Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences
Clay Wright, Alma Police Department
William Dumas, Crawford County Adult Detention Center
Anthony Parkinson, Fort Smith Police Department
Jonathan Wear, Van Buren Police Department
Mistee Aaron, Chief US Probation Officer
Lydia Humphrey, Arkansas Community Corrections
Lena Pinkerton, Crawford County Prosecuting Attorney's Office
Guadalupe Ayal, Crawford County Prosecuting Attorney's Office
Jason Aaron, Arkansas State Police
Ray Ottman, Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ Police Department
Karl Flusche, Homeland Security Investigations
Daniel Shue, Sebastian County Prosecuting Attorney
Jason Thompson, Fort Smith Police Department
Kara Austin, Division of Children and Family Services
Function: Engage recognized healthcare leaders, who have decision-making authority in their organizations from across the state of Arkansas and withing the region, as valuable stakeholders in the ongoing development of the fully online Master of Science in Healthcare Administration (MHCA) program.
Membership: Representatives from the healthcare community who volunteer to participate.
Chair: Cheryl%20Holden, Executive Director of the Master in Healthcare Administration program, College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences
Ryan Gehrig, Mercy Health Systems
Harvey Potts
Kim Miller, Baptist Hospital
Todd Hallmark, Choctaw Nation
Curtis Ralston, Mercy Clinics
Brandon Bullard, Integris Health
Shanda Guenther, SCP Health
Austin Gaines, Mercy Health Systems
Alicia Herell, Choctaw Nation
William J. Craig, Howard Memorial Hospital
Amy Huycke, Veteran Affairs
Bob Carter, Eastern Oklahoma Medical Center
Shannon Grams, Select Specialty
Function: Provide advisement to the organizational leadership program on program learning outcomes, curriculum, satisfaction with graduate skills, and overall strategic direction of the program.
Membership: By invitation from the dean or department head to community leaders representing professional expertise in organizational leadership or knowledge of current hiring practices.
Amy Barker
Griffin Hanna
Susan Hinshaw
Debbie Kraus
John McIntosh
Libby Meyer
Penny Sangster
Logan Tankersley
Function: Oversee the entire Educator Preparation Program of the university. The council makes recommendations regarding academic policies that strengthen programs leading to the preparation of teachers. It makes recommendations concerning university-wide responsibility for the preparation of teachers. Also, it is charged with making recommendations concerning the admission and subsequent retention of students into the education program.
Membership: Includes full-time SOE faculty, school districts, educational cooperatives, and education students who have affiliations with the School of Education.
Chair: April%20Evans, Assistant Professor and Interim Executive Director for the School of Education, College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences.
Karen Allen
Chris Davis
Laura Gladden
Christy Hesslen
Angela Miller
Josh Ray
Marti Salisbury
Angela Shackelford
Stacie Wood
Kendra Abel
Toni Alexander
Dean Cantu
Leigh Anne Carter
Janine Chitty
Shelli Henehan
Ben Lawson
Roberta Parks
Jeff Shaver
David Tyson
Camille Wheeler
Function: The purpose of the SON Advisory Council is to ensure excellence in nursing education programs.
Membership: Faculty (PN and BSN ED and all-FT nursing faculty), Community (Representatives from local hospitals and all health care agencies in the Fort Smith area), and Ex-officio membership (Dean of the CHEHS; Chancellor, Provost/Senior Vice Chancellor, and Associate Provost of the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith; the Coordinator of Academic Support Services; and the Coordinator of the Health Learning Resources Center)
Chair: Paula%20Julian, Associate Dean and Executive Director of the School of Nursing, College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences
Chair Elect: Frankie%20Allred, Executive Director for Allied Health, College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences
Tammy Rodgers, Valley Behavioral Health
Brandi Stewart, Baptist Health Fort Smith
Brandi Denham, Encompass
Christy Williams, Baptist Health Fort Smith
Stephanie Whitaker, Mercy Fort Smith
Stephanie Boese, Mercy Fort Smith
Patti Clark, Kistler Center
Erin Goff, Baptist Select
Tim Hearn, Fort Smith EMS
Patty Cotherman, WAGC
Dana Chaney, Brownwood Life Care Center
Leonie Tampus
Tammy Rogers
Kristin Williams
Sonia Romero
Patti Conard
Jordan Scoggins
Michele Elmore
Ethan Pearson
Valerie Beshears
Silvia Imanda
Patricia Briley
Leslie Rylee
Ekaterina Smith
Sharon Nguyen
Tresia Rouse
Tess McDonald
Gary Cameron
Davonna Whittenburg
Brooke Gray
Lisa Bailey
Miranda Adamson
Amanda Williamson
Margaret Hominick
Mary Rambin
Function: Advises the university of current competencies required for effective performance of the career in the current and future job markets, technologies required for effectively training students for current and future jobs in the career area, and resources available for strengthening the program.
Membership: Representatives from area agencies who volunteer to participate, faculty, and students.
Chair: Michelle%20Wannemacher, Interim Directory and Assistant Professor for Social Work, College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences
Kirk Dubois, Harbor House
Sara Gray, Next Step Day Services
Cole Smith, Air National Guard
Lauire Burnett, Hamilton House
Vicky Wilke, Arkansas Licensed Social Worker
Alex Stringfello
Angel Burkhart
Tyrek Gilkey
Samantha Pennington
Paula Julian
Dean Cantu
Ashleigh Hall
Madison Dickerson
Function: Facilitates participation in university governance, thus fostering staff development and commitment to university goals, and operates in an official capacity with authority delegated by the chancellor.
Function: Oversees implementation of the Strategic Enrollment Plan and periodic re-formulation.
Membership: Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ faculty and staff
Chair: Lee%20Krehbiel, vice chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Shadow Robinson | Brooke Magallanes |
Wayne Womack | Blake Johnson |
Dave Stevens | DeJon Jordan |
Jennifer Holland | Karen Jeffers |
Margaret Tanner | Andrea McCaleb |
Brittany Slamons | Meagan Bowling-Fudge |
Dennis Siler | Terry Meadows |
Chris Kelly | Curtis Janz |
Brett Arrington |
Function: The advisory committee is integral to maintaining the quality, relevance, and accreditation of the surgical technology program, ensuring that it meets the needs of students, employers, and the healthcare community. The Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (ARC/STSA) mandates the PAC.
Membership: The ARC/STSA recommends that the advisory committee be composed of representatives from various sectors of the healthcare community and stakeholders from the educational institution. That includes:
- Practicing certified surgical technologists
- Surgeon
- Healthcare administrators
- Educators (program faculty)
- Clinical preceptors
- Employers (healthcare)
- Alumni
- Community representatives or patient advocates
- Students (typically the president of the Surgical Technology Student Association RSO on campus)
Chair: Ashley%20Smith, Executive Director for Surgical Technology, College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences
Mary Brewer, Mercy Fort Smith
Ryan Banning, Baptist Hospital
Tamara Morgan, Mercy Clinic Orthopedics River Valley
Rachel Clark, Baptist Hospital
Sarah Eck, Mercy Fort Smith
Jessica Nacalaban, Ajana Therapy
Beth Cameron, Baptist Health
Joe Schneider, Mercy Hospital Fort Smith
Holli Hernandez, Mercy Hospital Fort Smith
Philicea Randle, Mercy Hospital River Valley Orthopedic
Autumn Perkins, Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½
Dean Cantu, Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½
Tammy Schaefer, Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½
Function: Plans, implements, and oversees all activities related to technology in the support of effective student learning and teaching. Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Evaluating, refining and implementing the Blackboard Learning System (BLS) training and certification of faculty.
- Aiding in the transition to and implementation of new and improved technology products on our campus and serve as champions and/or models for how the new products can best be used.
- Adopting a set of best practices for all Ë®¶à¶àµ¼º½ BLS courses to ensure established quality practices for online and distance learning are shared and used in development of courses.
- Providing and maintaining a rubric based on the aforementioned best practices for evaluation of the quality of courses to be used within each college to assure ongoing success of existing and new courses.
- Evaluating new technologies that enhance student learning and effective instruction and providing recommendations to appropriate faculty, deans, and/or support personnel.
- Exploring strategies related to technology requested by faculty that support teaching and learning.
- Providing or assisting in the planning for specialized workshops to showcase technology tools to be used in the classroom.
- Preparing an annual report of activities of the TSI committee for the provost/senior vice chancellor for academic affairs and/or the associate provost.
Membership: Two members from each college to serve three-year terms with one-third of the members being selected each year. (Initial terms will range from one to three years and will be determined by the Office of the Provost). Terms will end in the spring semester. Key staff members in information systems and information technology are also included.
Chair: Clint%20Brooks%2C Director of Instructional Support, and Brittany%20Bright, Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Sciences
Omer Kutlubay | Justina Buck |
Cody Holt | Camille Wheeler |
Virginia Hardgraves | Cheryl Holden |
Sally Story | Chris Knubley |
Brittany Bright | Andrea Parton |
Clint Brooks | Manoel Franco |
Michael Ming | Pam Fout |
Margaret Tanner, Ex-Officio | Carey Tucker, Ex-Officio |
Madison Dickerson, Ex-Officio |
Function: Reviews each faculty promotion portfolio to determine whether the process for attaining a promotion to senior instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor has been followed. If there is not unanimous agreement on the promotion from the college, members will review the portfolio to ascertain whether the faculty member meets promotion guidelines.
Membership: Representatives from each college.
Chair: Maurice%20Testa, associate professor of physical sciences
Cheryl Holden
Nicha Otero
Dan Settlage
Erik Carlson
Jordan Ruud
Stephen Husarik
Kiyun Han
Function: Provide advisement to the welding technology program on program learning outcomes, curriculum, satisfaction with graduate skills, and overall strategic direction of the program.
Membership: By invitation from the dean or department head to community leaders representing professional expertise in welding technology or knowledge of current hiring practices.
Tom Gill
Kyle Johnson
Allen Newell
Tim Spahn
Dale Stewart
For updates or additions, please contact the Office of the Chancellor at 479-788-7007 or email Jennifer.KingFREEuafs.