Student Policies
Please see the ˮർ Student Handbook for complete details including regulations, sanctions,
and appeals, on all ˮർ student policies.
Student possession and use of alcohol on university properties and at official university
functions held on campus is prohibited, except in the Sebastian Commons, where residents
of legal drinking age may possess and responsibly consume alcohol in the privacy of
their campus apartment. It is the policy of the university that the illegal or abusive
use of drugs or alcohol by employees and students is prohibited on university properties
or as a part of any university activity whether on or off campus. Irresponsible behavior
while under the influence of intoxicants is not to be condoned and may be subject
to review and/or action by the appropriate judicial body.
Free Speech
University facilities and outdoor space are governed by the policies of the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas and exist for the primary purpose of serving a planned and scheduled program of educational activity. Consistent with Board of Trustees Policy 705.1 and university-wide Administrative Memorandum 715.1, when not required for regularly planned educational or research programs, and subject to other university policies, university facilities or outdoor space may be made available for use by university entities and non-university entities. University entities shall only include colleges, departments, and other university organizational units; faculty, staff, students, university-related foundations, university alumni association; and registered student organizations. Non-university entities shall only include individuals and organizations that are not acting as university entities and are not sponsored by a university entity.
Any non-university entity is welcome to share an opinion or viewpoint with the university community, provided the non-university entity is registered with the Office of the Dean of Students, Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center 201, 479-788-7310.
Access to public forum locations is provided on the city sidewalks that run parallel to the city streets that surround and cross the campus, subject to relevant city ordinances, state and federal law. Maps indicating city streets and sidewalks are available through the University Police Department. Access is also provided at public forum locations, all external to campus buildings.
The public forum locations are available for use or reservation by university and
non-university entities. Access to the public forum locations is provided on a content
neutral basis. Any denial of access will specify the reasons for which registration
is denied and offer an appeal procedure. The following time, place, and manner parameters
apply to public forum locations as well as to expressive activities of members of
the university community in other locations.
The use of any tobacco product is prohibited on the grounds of ˮർ in accordance with Arkansas State Law (A.C.A.6-60-701 to 6-60-705). The tobacco-free environment includes all university property, which according to State Stature 25-17-301, “shall include all highways, streets, alleys, and rights-of-way that are contiguous or adjacent to property owned or controlled by the institution.” Electronic cigarettes are also prohibited on campus.
Everyone on campus (faculty, staff, students, and visitors) has a responsibility to encourage their peers and others to adhere to the tobacco-free campus policy. As such an environment of positive peer support can move the campus community significantly toward the goal. When peer or supervisor encouragement is not effective, the primary responsibility for enforcement rests with the appropriate supervisor encouragement is not effective, the primary responsibility for enforcement rests with the appropriate supervisors in each area with the assistance of the ˮർ Police Department. Failure to adhere to policy will be handled as would any other disciplinary issue. Employees should refer to the Faculty and Staff Handbook. Visitors will be informed of the policy and asked to comply. Student compliance will be addressed using the three-level process listed in the Tobacco Free Campus Policy. The intent of the progressive corrective action models are to create a better learning environment for everyone on campus.